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What To Do When Your Dishwasher Stops Draining

Oct 12, 2020

We rely on our kitchen drains and appliances to make our lives easier and keep our homes clean and functioning. When they don't work correctly, it can feel hugely inconvenient. If you're facing the dilemma of standing water in your dishwasher and it is no longer draining, you may be imagining costly repairs, or even worse, the entire replacement of your appliance. Before you fear the worse, know that the solution to your issue may be just a few steps away. These following tips will help you to troubleshoot your dishwasher clog so your kitchen can get back to normal.

Run Your Garbage Disposal 

One of the usual culprits of a clogged dishwasher is a blockage in your garbage disposal. This is because oftentimes your dishwasher will drain through your disposal. If your disposal is full, the water in your dishwasher will have no space to empty into, and instead, it will be left sitting in the tub. 
When running your disposal, be sure to open your sink’s tap and let the water run down your drain. Be sure the disposal is free of all food and debris by running it for an additional 15 seconds after the food is gone.

Clean Your Sink's Air Gap 

An air gap is a small hose that connects to your dishwasher’s drain hose. This prevents the dishwasher’s drain hose from forming an air lock. Many kitchens have an air gap installed on their sink. It is a small, often stainless steel, cylinder with slots or holes that can usually be found right beside the faucet. It’s not uncommon for the air gap to become clogged with debris. 
To check your air gap for a blockage, twist it counter-clockwise to remove it and clear out any debris within with a small dish brush or toothbrush. Once clean, replace it and try running your dishwasher again.

Manually Drain Your Dishwasher

If the following two solutions have only left the water in your dishwasher rising, you’ll need to take a closer look at your dishwasher’s tub. But first, you’ll need to remove the water in your tub. Place towels on the floor in front of and to the sides of your dishwasher to absorb any water that my overflow. 
To manually drain your dishwasher, remove the bottom dish rack and use a cup or small pitcher to remove the water. Use towels to absorb the last of the water when the levels become too low to scoop out. Now, you can inspect the bottom of your dishwasher and check its components for clogs.

Clear Out the Drain Basket

At the bottom of your dishwasher, you’ll find its drain basket, its purpose is to prevent food debris and other items from entering your pipes and damaging them. When your drain basket isn’t cleaned regularly, it can become full of gunk that causes a blockage to the pipes that drain your dishwasher.
The drain basket typically looks like an upside-down bucket, if you do not see anything similar to that in your dishwasher, check your owner’s manual to determine where your drain basket is. To clean your drain basket, you’ll grasp it firmly and pull it until it’s removed and then use your hand or a spoon to clear out any debris. Once you’ve finished, replace the basket and run your dishwasher.

Check and Clean The Drain Hose 

The drain hose connects from your dishwasher to your garbage disposal or air gap to help with water and food debris removal during cleaning. There are a couple ways you can check to ensure that the hose is functioning properly. 
First, look under your sink to make sure that the hose hasn’t become damaged, which can occur as items are moved into or out from under your sink. If it has become kinked or damaged, the best bet is to simply replace the hose. Also, check your drain hose for clogs. 

To do this, unplug the dishwasher and then remove the lower front panel of your dishwasher and look for the hose that connects to your drain pump. Remove the hose from the drain pump and blow through it to check for a blockage. If air does not blow through the hose, you have a clog. If the hose is clogged at either end, you may use a thin, straightened tool to carefully remove the blockage. 

However, if the clog is located nearer to the center, you’ll likely have to replace the hose completely. If you are unsure of how to do this, call a plumber to assist. This will guarantee that the hose is replaced securely and that your dishwasher will perform correctly.

Clean Minimalistic Kitchen

When It's Time To Call A Plumber 

Hopefully, one of these tips will help to get your dishwasher back to draining and functioning perfectly. But if you are still experiencing a clogged dishwasher, it’s time to contact a licensed plumber. Hopefully, the problem is an easy fix and not a drain and sewer issue, but even if it is, our plumbers can help with that as well!
Lutz Plumbing Inc . has been the Kansas City area’s trusted plumbing company for 100 years. We have seen every plumbing situation imaginable and are experienced in how to best address your challenges. Our expert technicians are happy to assist you with any plumbing project, no matter how simple. Call us at (913) 888-9500 to schedule your service today!

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