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How to Keep Your Water Heater Functioning Properly

Apr 02, 2018

Schedule Maintenance

Most of the issues you’re likely to run into with your water heater are not things that are easy to spot. Water heater issues tend to develop more subtly over time, slowly creeping up on the system until they’re far enough along to do significant damage. You obviously don’t want to wait for a problem to get that far along before dealing with it, which is why it’s a good idea to schedule preventive maintenance.

Scheduling preventive maintenance at least once a year gives your technician the opportunity to locate and resolve preexisting issues in your water heater before they have the chance to get out of hand. They also can tune up the system by replacing parts that wear down over time, like the anode rod. If you’re consistent about scheduling maintenance once a year, you can increase your system’s efficiency and extend its effective lifespan by a number of years. This is the single best thing you can do to ensure that your system stays healthy for as many years as possible. Even so, you should still keep an eye out for issues…

Call for Repairs if You Need to

Preventive maintenance is great for reducing the odds of problems developing with the water heater, but it’s not perfect. You still need to keep a sharp eye out for any signs that the system is experiencing some sort of issue, so that you can have it repaired as soon as possible. The faster you can identify if a problem is affecting your water heater, the faster you can get it repaired and the more damage you can prevent.

There are a number of signs that indicate that your water heater is having trouble. Leaks are never a good thing, and you should always have a plumber check out any part of your water heater that is leaking. Rust is another sign that should not be ignored, as it can quickly lead to leaks or even ruptures. You should call a professional to examine your system if it’s having trouble providing enough hot water to meet moderate demand. It’s possible that there is sediment buildup in the tank, or that the burner assembly is partially clogged. Finally, you should obviously call for repairs if your water heater seems unable to turn on at all. If you have any reason to suspect that your water heater isn’t working properly, call for repairs just to be safe.

Lutz Plumbing, Inc. provides comprehensive water heater repair and maintenance services in Shawnee, KS. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our expert technicians.

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