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Smelly Shower Drain? Here’s What You Can Do

Jul 10, 2020

It’s the question nobody wants to ask, but inevitably, at some point, we all do:

“Why does my shower drain smell?”

Odors rising from your shower drain is never enjoyable and it can even feel downright embarrassing, but the truth is that drains commonly emit smells. 

If you’re dealing with a stinky shower, help is here. Most often, a good-smelling bathroom is just a few quick actions away. This post will explain how to identify the causes of shower odors, quickly address this issue and prevent it from happening in the future. 

Identifying The Usual Suspects: What Causes Shower Odors?

The moment you notice an unpleasant smell coming from your shower, you’ll probably feel a lot like Sherlock Holmes...ready to crack the case and get to the bottom of the issue. But where should you start?
Identifying the cause of the smell can be quite helpful in deploying the appropriate solution. But even if you can’t exactly pinpoint what you’re smelling, there are several standard candidates you can attribute to your funky bathroom. 
The most common causes for shower drain smells are: 
  • Clogs
  • Mold or Biofilm
  • Leaky Pipes
  • Dirty or Dry P-Trap

How To Tackle Shower Smells

Making note of what type of unpleasant smell you’re experiencing is the first, most important step in getting rid of the odor. You may be able to identify the smell in terms of: sulfuric (or, like rotten eggs), musty or moldy, or similar to sewage.
If you can’t manage to describe the odor as anything besides gross, there may be some clues that can help you to figure out what the best plan of action will be for your drain. 
Based on possible cause, here are the best solutions for restoring your shower drain to its previous, unscented glory.


 Shower drain clogs are caused by obstructions in your drain. These blockages usually consist of a conjunction of hair, skin flakes, dirt, soap scum, mineral deposits, sand, or other small objects. Because clogs become traps for grime and dirt, they often can cause an off putting scent-- and cause larger problems if not addressed.  To unclog your shower drain, you can enlist the help of a hand auger, otherwise known as a drain snake. This is a tool that allows you to manually remove blockages from your drain pipes. Avoid using a chemical drain cleaner, as these may cause harm to your plumbing system.    If snaking your pipes doesn’t seem to dislodge the obstruction or if the smell persists, you may have a blockage that requires professional removal. One method that experts may advise you to have performed is hydro-jetting , which directs a pressurized stream of water through your pipes to clean them of any buildup.   

Mold or Biofilm 

If the scent you’re experiencing is a musty, mildew smell, your pipes may have developed mold or a substance called biofilm. Biofilm is a pink-orange toned, slimy coating that is made up of bacterial waste. 
Eventually, biofilm can line your drain and form a large blockage as additional waste moves through your pipes.You can be just about positive that if you notice orange-tinged stains in your shower, it is probable that you’re dealing with biofilm.
To remove this bacterial substance from your shower surfaces and drains, first you’ll need to remove your drain cover, then use a cylindrical cleaning device (a paint roller cover will do) to remove the biofilm from your drain. Soak the cleaning device in a cleaning solution and then insert it down your pipe, remove, rinse and reinsert it until no more biofilm can be seen on the device.

Leaky Pipes

To add to the long list or reasons that leaky pipes are an absolute nightmare, they can also cause uncomely smells from your shower drain. When pipes leak, they also allow gases to escape and waft up through your plumbing. This will be evident with a sulfuric, sewage-like smell. 
When addressing a leaking drain pipe, it’s important that you have a professional plumber step in. This will ensure that any and all leaks are detected and can be fixed appropriately. This also prevents the accidental, additional damage to your plumbing that could occur from a novice mistake.
  Call the
leak detection  experts at Lutz Plumbing, Inc.  today at 913-888-9500.

Dirty or Dry P-Trap

Your P-trap is the U-shaped fixture that extends below your sink and curves to connect to your drain-waste vent. Its shape functions to hold water at all times, that ensures that any gasses emitted from your sewer line. 
If the water evaporates from your P-trap, gas then has no barrier to prevent it from traveling up your drain and contributing a sewage odor. Simply running your drain from a short while should be sufficient to refill your P-trap and stop the smells.
 It is also common for soil, sediment or debris to settle in the curve of a P-trap. To clean it, you’ll start by pouring ½ cup of baking soda down your drain and then follow that up with ½ cup of distilled white vinegar. Cover your drain and give the mixture time to dissolve the sediment. 

The Shower Drain Experts Are Here

If you’ve tried everything in your power to put a stop to your smelly shower drain and still are getting no results, it’s time to enlist the help of knowledgeable plumbing professionals. From helping you determine the cause of your shower drain smell to taking all the proper steps to extinguish it, Lutz has 100 years of experience and skills in tackling bathroom odor nuisances. 
Lutz Plumbing, Inc.  at 913-888-9500 to schedule a virtual consultation or a service today!

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