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How Often Should I Schedule Water Heater Maintenance?

May 26, 2022

The water heater is one of those appliances in your home that you don't give much attention to until it stops working. Unfortunately, this means that the water softener doesn't get the regular tankless hot water heater maintenance it needs to work its best. No matter what kind of water heater you have, it will need regular maintenance to ensure it is working at peak performance, but that maintenance will look different depending on what kind of water heater you have.

White water heater and shower head against the wall inside the bathroom

Tankless Vs. Traditional



Maintenance starts with the type of water heater in your house. There were only tank water heaters for years, but tankless options are now available and becoming more affordable and reliable every day. Traditional water heaters work by continuously heating a tank full of water which works but isn't too efficient. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, work by flash heating water as it passes through, so there is never standing water in the appliance. 


Everyday Maintenance Needs and Schedule



Regular maintenance of your hot water heater will prevent bigger problems down the road. 


Tank Hot Water Heater Maintenance



Tank water heaters require much more maintenance than tankless heaters because of their design, starting with regular draining. Since water consistently sits in the tank, sediment from that water can build up inside the tank, robbing you of gallons of hot water. Your water heater should be flushed every six months to prevent this from happening. 


At the same time, you should check all connections and the pressure release valve to ensure they are tight and undamaged. If your water heater is older, you will also want to take this time to insulate the pipes to prevent heat loss. 


Tankless Hot Water Heater Maintenance



 Tankless water heaters are not nearly as needy as traditional heaters, but they should still be given a tune-up by a professional at least once a year. That timeline should be shortened if you live in an area with hard water, as regular descaling  will be needed for peak performance. You will also need tankless hot water heater maintenance more frequently if you live in an area where your water heater runs at high temperatures most of the year. 


Repair and Replacement vs. Maintenance



Sometimes the idea of maintenance gets confused with the repair. Maintenance is what you do when you don't want to pay for a costly surprise repair later. Maintenance, repair, and replacement are vastly different when comparing traditional and tankless water heaters.





Unfortunately, few parts can be repaired on a traditional water heater, whereas it is easier to repair any issues on a tankless model, making them a better long-term investment. 





A tankless water heater does cost a little more to maintain than a traditional water heater, but that difference is more than made up for in energy savings. 





 There is no argument that tankless water heaters cost more upfront; however, they are less expensive in the long run. Today's traditional water heaters only last about 5 - 7 years if they are well maintained. They may have a shorter lifespan if not properly maintained, especially in an area with hard water. On the other hand, a well-maintained tankless water heater will last 20 years or more with proper maintenance. 



Maintenance is Essential



 Regular maintenance of your heater is like an insurance policy with benefits. It ensures that your heater is working correctly and won't crash on you at the most inopportune time, but it also ensures that it is working at peak performance. When you perform regular scheduled tankless hot water heater maintenance, you guarantee that your water heater will last for decades. If your tankless water heater hasn't been serviced for a while, contact a plumbing professional to give it a tune-up.


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